Thesis 2022

Research Plan 2.0

Nov. 18th, 2021


The purpose of this research is to find out how young adults react to the reward system when it assigns them to improve their eating habit. I want to study what goals they are having hard time reaching; and why they find it is hard to achieve;  in what conditions they would actually take the action to change. So I can design a feature that can truly help people form healthy eating habits and stick to those habits.


Prototype testing:
+ Fill out a meal history form of the last five days
+ 8-10 min short interview
+ assign a doable task that slightly improves a certain eating habit
+ follow up the result as it goes

Additional interview with dietitians:
Get back to Zeina for more specific info

Books I’m currently reading:
Atomic Habits
How to not die
Behavior Human Psychology
Behave: the Biology of Human at Our Best and Worst


Fill out a history form of what did you eat for the last five days. Assign testers a doable task that help them improve their eating habit just a bit than the last week


Hi. My name is Alice and Im currently working on my master thesis project around eating habit. so I’m curious about how people value their eating habits and how much they willing change or improve an eating habit.

So I would love to ask you to fill out a form of your last five days meal history. Here is an example of how you do it. Please be a little more specific about what dish or snake you consumed in each meal. before you start, how many meals do you have each day in average? 

[After filling out the form, here are some following questions]
+ How do you feel about your meal history?
+ What do you think you might want to improve?
+ What are some general goals of your health and wellbeing?
+ How far do you think from achieving those goals?

Time Plan

Nov 22

find 4 people out of the current network for testing the first round

Nov 29

check in with the testers for the 1st round result and feedback and assign 2nd round task

Dec 06

check in with the testers for the 2nd round result and feedback and assign 3rd round task

Dec 13

check in with the testers for the 2nd round result and feedback and assign 3rd round task

Dec 16

Analyze the testing result
Prototype due

Next Step



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