Nov. 4th, 2021
I believe that a planned menu based on preference will help young adults not skip meals
#prototype 1.1
Ask a pair of good friends to write down a meal plan of a week for each other. Record how much each one of the tester follows the plan and how often each one skips a meal.
#prototype 1.2
Ask tester to fill out a meal plan form. The form includes two part: one is a meal history of the past week, the other is a meal plan for the following week.
Option #1
How it works:
Check Square f you didn’t skip this meal
Check Circle if you follow the plan
Option #2
Option #3
+ Three meals is typical but may not be applied to everyone.
+ What exactly the “plan” would be look like?It feels hard to make decision for what to eat in a week
+ I don’t really want to spend such amount of time for doing this plan
+ What if I just don’t want to follow?
Next Step
+ Reaching out to people who are out of m network
+ Continue researching around human behavior and behavior change
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