We demand a healthier fashion system, and we as the younger generation are responsible for our environment in the future. “Minimize” is a campaign calling for slowing down and modifying the unhealthy system of the fashion industry. This campaign helps users who are frustrated with the treatment of worn-out clothing. The “minimize” recycling machine offers users a new system to recycle clothing.
project duration
Campaign: Nov. - Dec. 2018 (5 Weeks)
UIUX Design: Dec. 2019 (4 Weeks)
methods + tools
Desk research | User Interviews | Empathy Mapping | Persona Development | User Flow | Storyboarding | Prototyping | Data Visualizing| Keynote | Sketch | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Photoshop | Rhino
How might we encourage more people to participate in clothes&garment recycling?
A more convenient
and efficient
clothing recycling system
“Minimize” machine provides users the most sustainable way of recycling clothes and garments. Users are able to find “minimize” stations at their closest neighborhood market.
The tracking information will be recorded and able to check at any time through the “minimize” web page
“Minimize” helps to slow down the fast fashion system. Join “minimize” and receive bonus points every time a request has completed.
Textiles and clothing are a fundamental part of everyday life and an important sector in the global economy. It is hard to imagine a world without textiles. Clothes are worn by almost everyone, nearly all the time, and for many are an important expression of individuality. In the last 15 years, clothing production has approximately doubled, driven by a growing middle-class population across the globe and increased per capita sales in mature economies. The latter rise is mainly due to the ‘fast fashion’ phenomenon, with a quicker turnaround of new styles, increased number of collections offered per year, and—often—lower prices.
it is a linear and
disposable process
The current system for producing, distributing, and using clothing operates in an almost completely linear way. Large amounts of non- renewable resources are extracted to produce clothes that are often used for only a short period, after which the materials are largely lost to landfill or incineration. It is estimated that more than half of fast fashion produced is disposed of in under a year. This linear system leaves economic opportunities untapped, puts pressure on resources, pollutes and degrades the natural environment and its ecosystems, and creates significant negative societal impacts at local, regional, and global scales.
Swipe to view the whole diagram >
clothing is massively
under utilized
The research, Timeout for Fast fashion, published today by Greenpeace Germany, shows how the fast fashion business is rapidly expanding: Clothing production doubled from 2000 to 2014, with sales rising from US$ 1 trillion in 2002 to 1.8 trillion by 2015, and a forecast of 2.1 trillion by 2025. The average person buys 60 per cent more items of clothing every year and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago, producing immense volumes of textile waste.
fabric products mostly end up in landfill
The importance of recycling textiles is increasingly being recognized. Over 80 billion garments are produced annually, worldwide. As such, textile recycling is a significant challenge to be addressed as we strive to move closer to a zero-landfill society. Once in landfills, natural fibers can take hundreds of years to decompose. They may release methane and CO2 gas into the atmosphere. Additionally, synthetic textiles are designed not to decompose. In the landfill, they may release toxic substances into groundwater and surrounding soil.
merely recycling clothes is not a solution
As of today, recycling is not a solution. Markets are overloaded with unwanted clothes and technological challenges mean full recycling of clothing into new fibers is still far from commercially viable. “Our research indicates that the second-hand clothing system is on the brink of collapse. Fashion brands need to urgently re-think the throwaway business model and produce clothing that’s durable, repairable and fit for re-use. As consumers, we also hold the power. Before buying our next bargain item, we can all ask, ‘do I really need this?’,” said Brodde.
living wages are not guaranteed for workers
A living wage should cover the basic living costs of three consumption units, which translates to one working adult, one child-caring adult and two children, for example, or one working adult and two elderly adults. In countries with no social security and no safety net to help people in need, it is vital that a wage ensures people can live in human dignity. It applies to all workers and there must not be any wage lower than this wage. It is reached within the standard working week, which is not more than 48 hours per week. It is made up of a basic wage before benefits, bonuses and overtime pay.
Chair of the Fashion Design Program @CCA (California College of the Arts)
“...few people are fully aware of the human and environmental impact of its manufacturing life cycle: from fiber to cloth to clothing to landfill.”
International student @CCA (California College of the Arts)
“I have so many clothes in good condition but I don’t like to wear. I want to get rid of them but I don’t want to simply throw away them...”
Domestic student @CCA (California College of the Arts)
“I’m very curious about where my clothes go after I thrown away or donated them.“
wireframe for the installation
wireframe for the website